Anti-wrinkle injections - Patient Safety

Blindness and necrosis from dermal filler injection is the most catastrophic event we can experience as injectors. How do you best avoid an intravascular event with a dermal filler?
1 day
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Blindness and necrosis from dermal filler injection is the most catastrophic event we can experience as injectors. How do you best avoid an intravascular event with a dermal filler? Which fillers are best to use? Should you aspirate before injecting? We cover all the intravascular events. We also cover all the extra-vascular side effects such as delayed onset nodules. We will dilute Hyalase and inject a model who needs dissolving

Invest in your patient’s safety with Mike Clague

Key benefits of attending this course include:

  • Patient registration form review
  • Relevant vascular anatomy review
  • Draw on the vessels and understand variability
  • Understand how to avoid an ischemic event
  • Treat an ischemic event
  • Understand dissolving protocols
  • DISSOLVE a patient – draw up Hyalase and administer to a model
  • Understand nodules
  • Treat nodules – latest protocols
  • Hands on models
  • Consultation tips, FULL CONSENT for dissolving and treatment planning

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Understand the patient registration form – when to refuse treatment for safety
    reasons (such as dental cleaning in the last few days)
  • Understand the most current published data on ischemic events with filler
  • Understand how to use hyaluronidase in an emergency
  • Understand where to inject the hyaluronidase in an ischemic event
  • Understand the De Lorenzi protocol
  • Understand how to best avoid an ischemic event with HA dermal filler
  • Understand extravascular side effects such as delayed onset nodules
  • Be able to refer and treat nodules
  • Understand full consent for treatments with fillers

Workshop details at a glance

Target Audience:

The workshop is designed for teams and leaders who are navigating organizational change or anticipating transitions in their business environment. It is suitable for professionals across all industries and levels of experience.

Delivery Format:

The workshop can be delivered in-person at your company's location or virtually through video conferencing, depending on your preferences and requirements. Sessions can be customized to align with your team's schedule and availability.


The typically spans a full-day session, lasting approximately 6 to 8 hours each. We can tailor the workshop format to span multiple sessions over consecutive days or weeks, depending on your needs.


All workshop materials, including handouts, presentation slides, and additional resources, will be provided to participants either in advance or during the workshop session, depending on the format chosen.

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Anti-wrinkle injections - Patient Safety


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